java diva

Okay. So I admit it. I have issues with expiration dates. It drives my Geek-Man nuts. An example: If my potato chips have an expiration date of, say, August 23rd, I will stop eating them by August 21st. Sometimes, I may push it to the actual date on the bag, but that is rare. I need to be very hungry without many options. (Not that I am eating chips and cheating on my diet or anything. No sirree! Well, maybe a few now and then, but don't tell on me, okay?) Milk (or any such dairy product) falls into an area where there is no is black and white. No drinking milk or eating anything dairy within 3 days of an expiration date.

Why am I like this? I totally blame my sister.

Growing up as her little sister and pretty much wanting to do anything I could to please her, I would do just about anything she asked me to do. So, starting young, it was a very common thing in my house to hear the phrase "Taste this and see if it is stale/fresh/tastes funny." And ~duh~ I always would. Worse yet, I never thought anything of it! How lucky for her, though, to have her own personal food tester.

Geek-Man has tried on several occassions to explain to me that "Best used by..." really means best used by and not "you will wither up and die a horrible death that includes much vomitting if you eat this". Whatever, dear, I am not eating it.

It didn't really hit me until last night when I heard Kidlet Sr say to Kidlet Jr "Taste this and see if it is still good" that I realized how ridiculous it seems. Even more so when I heard Kidlet Jr say "Okay" and then eat the offered "test-food". I guess sibling issues aren't new, they are just recycled.

Oh, and for those of you who are wondering, no, I will not taste anything you offer to see if it is still good, but it seems that Kidlet Jr will and on occassion, just to shut me up, so will Geek-Man.
posted by Jenn at 8/15/2003 07:46:00 AM
I found out I am a 4-letter word. No. Not that one. Shame on you if you thought something bad about me!

My Bloginality is ENFP!!!

Do you know me? Do you agree? Let me know.

What are you? Let me know that, too.

Oh, and for anyone who said any not so nice four letter words, we will pretend you meant nice, kind and cool....okay?
posted by Jenn at 8/14/2003 09:00:00 PM
The times, they are a changin'. Or something like that. I have made some big steps towards evolving my blog into more me and, well, less Blogger. (Not that I have anything against Blogger. I would just rather own than rent, you know?) I have gotten a new domain name. I have downloaded some really fun and interesting things to add to my site. Now, the only thing that is getting me crazed...I know very little about making graphics and templates and all of that other fun stuff that you have to do when you...branch out on your own. Any of you experienced, "independent" bloggers have any suggestions on where to begin? I would love to hear about anything from the basics to artwork/graphics to fun add-ons. Of course, I will stay here and rent until the new home is up, but isn't half the fun of a new place setting it up? Or so I am told. Or so I am going to tell myself at 2:00am when I am banging my head on my keyboard and spitting hot coffee at my monitor. Will someone remind me that what doesn't kill us makes us stronger?

posted by Jenn at 8/14/2003 06:25:00 PM
I don't think I will ever get used to turning on the tv and seeing a live shot of thousands of people in New York city looking chaotic. According to the story on CNN it is not something to worry about as far as terrorism. But really, will there ever be a time where this doesn't send your mind into overdrive and your heart skip a beat in fear?

I want to go back to pre 911 when there wasn't so much fear. Where we felt safe because we thought we were invinsible. Take me back!

posted by Jenn at 8/14/2003 04:17:00 PM
I need a vacation. Not a family vacation. Not an exotic trip or anything so interesting. I just want to be alone for a while. I want to go to the bathroom and not have little fingers wiggling under the door attached to a little person asking when I am coming out. I would really like to consider going out to dinner a luxurious treat, not the fact that I am going to the grocery store alone. Maybe I have a touch of burnout? The last time I went somewhere alone (stores don't count) was a few MONTHS ago. That is too long.

Here is what I am thinking. A weekend. Just a weekend. A hotel with room service and a big comfy bed would be heaven. Oh yes, and a phone whose ringer can be turned off would seal the deal. I don't want to do much. Just take a nap if I want to. Sleep late. Watch something on tv that is not animated, doesn't sing silly songs and there are no people in animal costumes. I'll bring a book and my comfy blanket and my softest most comfortable pj's. (And I won't get out of them unless I am taking a hot bubble bath!)

Ahhh, sounds so heavenly.

But reality calls. I hear the Diva asking for the Wiggles, so my little hotel fantasy will have to wait. But hopefully not for long! This mama needs a break!
posted by Jenn at 8/14/2003 07:49:00 AM
My Game Cube tried to commit suicide today. I think it was having abandonment issues since the boys went back to school. There was a power surge this afternoon when Kidlet Jr was playing that would normally just cause a hiccup in the game, but the GC took the opportunity to climb on the ledge of the electronic high rise. I tried to talk to talk it down. I promised that I would let the boys play in the afternoon for a while. No go. I promised that I would let them play on the weekends even if it was nice outside and I wanted to send them outside to play. Not even a tiny "power-on" flicker of a light. Finally, I convinced it to work because I told it that I would let the Diva play Finding Nemo during the day. I guess that worked. The power light flickered on briefly and then came back strong. Crisis averted.
posted by Jenn at 8/13/2003 03:49:00 PM
After a few years with someone, you get to know the hidden meanings behind their words. After being with my Geek-Man for more than half of my life, we have come up with our own code. (No, not the kind where we hid under the blankets with our flashlights and came up with a secret code book.) There are just certain phrases or words that really mean something entirely different than what you hear. Don't all couples have this? To illustrate, here are some of our codes:

"Just so you know" really means: This is how it is going to be and I am telling you so that you can't say you didn't know about it later on. (Sidenote: there is no discussion when a conversation starts with "just so you know")

"In case you were wondering" means: You should've asked about this, but since you haven't, I am going to tell you. (Sidenote: Usually this is said in a rather sarcastic tone so that the recipient knows that (s)he is in trouble.)

"Wanna snuggle?" means: Wanna have sex? (said by the male)

"I just wanna snuggle." means: You're not getting sex. (said by the female)

"Does this make me look fat?"(or other variations of that question spoken by the woman) means: I feel insecure and you need to tell me I look good.

"Wow. You sure have been working hard" (usually used when the other person has been outside working in the heat or has been exercising) means: You really need to go take a shower.

And the all time favorite:

"Yes, dear." means: Whatever you say because I am really not listening but I don't want to get into trouble by admitting that.

I would share more, but couples need some secrets, right? What about you? Do you have a code, too? (And don't you dare answer me with "Yes, dear!")
posted by Jenn at 8/13/2003 01:10:00 PM
I've realized this week that I really do appreciate my girlfriends (usually referred to here as The Moms). Of course, there are the usual reasons that we all appreciate our friends, but this week, I am just so thankful that they listen. Well, maybe it would be more accurate to say I am thankful because they let me talk. (They don't even have to listen most of the time.) Let's face it, most men are not equipped to listen for as long as we women can talk nor do they have the ability to just let us talk at great lenghts unless there are several points made and facts given. I think that perhaps their heads might actually implode if they tried.

Take for instance My Geek-Man. Once on a long trip when I had probably been talking way too much and he had probably lost the ability to just let his eyes glaze over and merely nod when I pause, he actually said these words to me, "You know, dear (Sidenote: "Dear" is never good. It means: 'I am using this term of endearment because what I am really about to say is going to piss you off'.) You tend to talk a lot and use many words, but rarely do you actually say anything." He did get a sharp punch to the arm, in case were wondering.

But he was right. (Don't tell him I said that, though. I will deny it!) I can talk. A lot. So, I am very thankful to my girlfriends for listening (or pretending to) because this week, I did a lot of talking. And crying. So even though I am not always sure how to make friends with women, I sure am thankful to the ones I have (and the new ones I am making!) Because, I for one, am not really into the idea of watching my husband's head implode.
posted by Jenn at 8/12/2003 09:49:00 AM
Imagine my surprise this morning when I stumbled into the office with my first cup of coffee (okay, say it with me ahhhhhhh) to catch up on some of my favorite blogs when I saw that Allison has me as a featured site. (Thanks Allison!) It was a nice surprise, though. Not one of those "spit out your coffee all over your monitor" things. So, if you have stumbled here from her javalicious site, welcome to this caffeinated Mom's blog. Coffee Moms Unite!
posted by Jenn at 8/12/2003 09:26:00 AM
A friend told me that my template wasn't looking right. That the "about me" stuff was overlapping the blog entries and making them very hard to try to read. Eeek! If you see it this way (or any problems with the blog), could you email me or comment me to let me know. I can't see it that way on my system, so really, if it looks that way, I am not even sure how to fix it anyway. So, consider this my official "shout-out" for your help if you see things messed up. Thanks!
posted by Jenn at 8/11/2003 11:40:00 AM
The following is a Public Service Announcement: Given that I have whined and moped about the first day of school, it is pretty much a given that I will update that paritcular mental obsession first. If you are completely over it and don't want to hear about it, check back later. I am sure my focus will have changed by then. I do tend to be an ADD blogger.) We now return you to our regularly scheduled blog.

I did it! I got them dropped off at school and did the whole PTA coffee and meeting with no tears...well, none that the kidlets saw. (And really, it was more like "watery eyes" than tears. So I will call it a "tear-free" day.) Okay, so I said that " I dropped them off", but it is more like I said goodbye to Kidlet Sr. who is a fourth grader and didn't need me to come with him, so he just took off on his bike with his friends with hardly a wave back. (Sidenote: Why is it that a sign that you are doing a good job as a parent usually involves the kids moving in a direction away from you with not even a look back?) Kidlet Jr wanted me to drive him rather than him having to ride his bike. Not because he wanted me to be there with him. Oh no, not something so touching as that. He didn't want his helmet to mess up his hair. Touching, isn't it.

So I took Kidlet Jr to his second grade class, asked one of The Moms to look in on Kidlet Sr and make sure all was well, and then went to the PTA coffee. Luckily, I sat beside a Mom who has a daughter the Diva's age so they could talk really loudly in their 2 yr old speak, laugh & giggle, and pull books off of the shelf together. I pretty much had to keep the attitude of "I'll smile and look apologetic, but they will both be here for all the meetings, so get used to the noise, ladies." (Is that too bitchy an attitude? I did have a smile, remember.)

It wasn't until I got home, heard the silence, saw the silent gameroom and did not trip over any toys that I realized-- fully realized-- that school has started. I don't have to referree any arguments before my morning coffee. I might actually see The Today show if I want to. That new magazine that I can't wait to read that came in the mail in JUNE might actually get read. In fact, I think I am going to go have another cup of coffee and wander my mostly-empty house.

I have to admit, this may not be too bad after all. In fact, I just may take a nap today after the Margaritas with The Moms. Lord knows I could use one after my late-night 'first day of school' jitters. Now, let's just hope the Diva wants to take one too.

posted by Jenn at 8/11/2003 11:36:00 AM
Everyone sleeps. The new clothes are washed and set out for tomorrow. The pencils are sharpened. The new shoes are still new-looking. The backpacks have been set by the door. The kids are dreaming of a new school year. The Dad is asleep probably dreaming about peace in the house. And here I am. The Mom awake and full of adrenaline. I want to sleep. I want to dream. I just looked in on the kidlets. How sweet they look.

I stood over them and smiled. And thought....If it's not too much to ask of the Big Guy Upstairs, I am asking that they have a good year. They deserve it. And let's face it...this Mom needs some sleep!
posted by Jenn at 8/11/2003 12:07:00 AM
I am still in denial that school starts tomorrow. The whines are already being heard around the house.

"I am not ready. I have more to do. I didn't play enough. I didn't go to beach enough. I wasn't able to have as many fun days as I wanted. I am scared that I may not know enough to do well this year. What if no one wants to be my friend this year and come over and play? I am not ready for homework and reports and projects! What if I don't have everything that I was supposed to have for the first day of school??"

And those are just comments by me. The kids are fine.

Yes, I am obsessing. Yes, I am worrying way more than I need to. And yes, I need a life.

No wait...I need more summer!
posted by Jenn at 8/10/2003 04:21:00 PM
So, I took the boys to see Freaky Friday today. I am not sure if they wanted to see it or not, but I really did. (I sort of put it to them like this: "Mom is going to go see Freaky Friday. You may go or you may stay, but I am leaving at 1:00pm." I guess they wanted to go, too, seeing as they were in my car when I went to leave.) I liked the original movie. I loved this one! There was not one moment where I didn't believe that Jamie Lee Curtis was actually the teen in the mom's body. She owned that part. No way it would've been the same movie without her. Lindsay Lohan was awesome as well. My boys said it was "okay, for a chick movie." (And yes, for the record, I did cry. I am such a sap! But the Mom beside me did too. So at least I wasn't the only one embarrassing her kidlets.)

Here is what got me. I vividly remember the original. I remember when I saw it back in the 70's, I understood and related to the teenager. "You're ruining my life. You could never survive a day in my life. You don't understand what it is like to be young." Today, I watched it and *gasp* I related to the Mom! The multi-tasking, trying to do the right thing, going a thousand different directions at one time and (confession time) thinking that it really couldn't be that hard to be the kid. Oh, how that realization hit me. I am The Mom. Shhh, please don't tell anyone. (Not that anyone would believe you anyway.)

Am I the only Mom who feels that way? Do other Moms suddenly stop in their tracks and think "I am somebody's mother??" Well, even if you don't, there are days when it just shocks the hell out of me. Let's just hope I am faking it well enough that the kidlets think I know what I am doing. I mean, hey, if I am playing the role of The Mom well enough to fool them, then I am doing good enough to keep the job title.

I am The Mom.
posted by Jenn at 8/09/2003 09:53:00 PM
Yesterday was our school's big Back to School Event. All of The Moms were there. It was one of the most stressful days I've had since, well, since I was going back to school. My stomach hurt wondering if my kids would get the teachers they wanted. Would they get the best teacher for them? Would their friends be in their classes? Better yet, would the kids who are the bullies not be in their classes? What if they were miserable? What if...? What if...? What if...?

It made me wonder if I am the only Mom who goes through this. Do we ever outgrow the back to school panic that we had when we were the ones going back to school?

Several of The Moms gathered to compare notes. It turns out that for one reason or another, we were all a bit freaked out. We all had nerves. We all wondered if the kids would have a good year. None of us slept well the night before either. We jointly made up a game plan to conquer these nerves.

Monday, the first day of school, we are going out for margaritas for lunch. It may not help our kids, but we are pretty sure it will help The Moms.
posted by Jenn at 8/08/2003 06:47:00 PM
Okay, confession time. I have a new obsession. I want these guys to come to my house. I need them to come to me. In fact, I am trying to figure out how to pull off becoming a straight guy just so they can work their magic on me. Let's face it, straight men are not the only ones who have not been blessed with the talent to pull of the ideal wardrobe, be the perfect chef, decorate my home to the nines, get the ultimate make-over and still have the social graces to charm the best of them. I admit it. I am the perfect straight guy. Well, except for the fact that I love men and I have no penis. Other than that, I am the perfect candidate for the show. Mental note: In the future, rethink admitting to being the perfect straight guy before stating it in a public forum. It just doesn't seem the same in print as it sounded in my head.

I watched like a marathon of this show this week. I have to tell you, I am jealous as hell of the guys who get these fab make-overs. I am thinking of protesting and asking them to make an acception to their "straight guy" rule. Can you picture it with me?

"This weekend on an all new "Queer Eye for the The Straight Guy", a shocking new twist: The Fab 5 work their magic on one of their most challenging subjects yet...a woman. Can they take this hopeless, anti-Martha soccer mom and make her the new Darling of the PTA? Catch an all new episode this weekend."

It could happen. Does anyone know the email address to apply? Oh honeyyyy.......
posted by Jenn at 8/07/2003 12:01:00 AM
The thing about this guy. He probaby fell on his ass and couldn't get up and THEN he discovered he had a skill.

Or what about this woman? Did she just really get surprised one day and realize she could do this?

I am constantly amazed by the things that make people famous these days.

Don't even get me started on Reality TV!
posted by Jenn at 8/06/2003 08:03:00 PM
It's that time again. School is starting. We have less than a week to go. But, who's counting. Okay, I am. Not for the reasons you may think. I am going to miss the boys. We have so much fun together. They are my playmates. Yes, I know I need to get out more. I just really have had fun this summer.

Yesterday I went to the school to get the "Back to School" packets together. We were all hoping to find out which teachers our kids have this year. But the principal decided not to put the labels on the packets this year like they have every year. Bummer. I had a terrible experience one year with a teacher and have from then on have become quite...."involved" with my kids teachers. I am not going to sit back during my kids' schooling. In fact, I am a chairman of 2 different committees this year. (Or is politically incorrect to say chairMAN? Is it supposed to be chairperson? Chairlady? Chairparent?) Whatever. I am in charge.

So, here we go. We are going to go from talk of the swimming pool to talk of the PTA, homework and schedules.

Let the games begin.
posted by Jenn at 8/06/2003 12:53:00 PM
I may never leave the comfort of my couch again. My Man (my wonderfully geek-connected husband) got me a wireless internet connection for my laptop. So, in a sense, I can write, watch Trading Spaces, have a little snack and never have to get off my couch. (The kids can bring me the snacks. Isn't that why we have them in the first place? Free labor?)

Think of the possibilities. I could essentially become the ultimate hermit girl. I could take the kids to school and never leave my couch again until it was time to pick them up.

Okay, seriously, that doesn't sound too appealing on a normal day, but being sick, it sounds like bliss. Because we all know that a mom with 3 kids can lay on the couch or stay in bed when she is sick, right? Actually, I am pretty sure that there is a radar deep within the depth of a child's brain that prompts them to come racing to a sick mom's room and ask as many questions as possible, even if the Dad is in the other room.

This weekend I got such questions as: Do cow's drink milk? How do things glow in the dark? And my favorite for when I am sick: How does a fax machine work? What?! I am not sure I can answer any of these when I am well. When I am sick? I don't think so! That is when they they hear....Ask your Dad! With a wireless connect, I could say, "Here, honey, surf the net and find the answer yourself while Mommy crawls back under the covers and sleeps."

Ohhhhh, the possibilities!
posted by Jenn at 8/03/2003 09:22:00 PM
I'm sick. I can't eat. I can't do much of anything but sleep. Oh, and fight. Seems somehow I have gotten into a big ol' fight with a good friend and it has snowballed into something so huge that I don't know how to get around it. That is always fun when you are sick, huh.







Been a great day! I'll be back when I feel human again.
posted by Jenn at 8/02/2003 12:01:00 AM